Zeiss Axio Observer 7
The super-resolution PALM/Lattice SIM Elyra 7 is capable of fast and gentle imaging, as well as imaging well beyond the diffraction limit. It is a dual camera system built around a Zeiss Axio Observer 7 inverted microscope and specially designed for super-resolution microscopy techniques.
Several modalities are available:
Thanks to these modalities, the Elyra 7 allows the observation and characterisation of fastest dynamics in living biological samples in great detail for a wide range of fluorophores and length scales. The microscope stage is enclosed in an environmental control chamber for live-cell imaging (Temperature, CO2, O2).
Improvement in resolution from widefield to Lattice SIM. Multistained cells highlighting mitochondria (red), actin (green) and nucleus (blue).
The system was installed in December 2020 and will be launched at a 2021 CCI Mini-workshop. If you are interested in seeing the system or being trained to use it, please get in touch.
This piece of equipment was funded by BBSRC grant number BB/T017813/1. Please cite this grant code when publishing work conducted using this hardware.