Centre for Cell ImagingCCI


The Centre for Cell Imaging is based on the ground floor of the Biosciences Building at the University of Liverpool (building 216 on the campus map). To get directions, follow this link.

If you have specific questions you can address them a member of staff below. Alternatively, general enquiries can be sent to:




Tobias Zech
Facility Academic Lead

Tobi's current research is aiming to understand the mechanisms that enable cells to move in a three dimensional tissue environment in health and especially during tumour progression. He has been Director of the CCI since 2021.


Marco Marcello
Facility Manager & Experimental Officer

Marco, after his PhD in the DKFZ Heidelberg, joined the lab of Ernst Stelzer in EMBL, where he contributed to the development of the light-sheet microscope. Marco joined Liverpool University in 2008 and became facility manager in 2011.


Tom Waring
Imaging Technician

Tom has joined the team to offer technical support for facility users. He completed his master�s degree in Biological Sciences at Durham University, which used confocal and super resolution microscopy to study nuclear import. Tom then joined the University of Liverpool in 2016 as a PhD student working on a project that utilises various microscopy techniques, including Atomic Force Microscopy, to study Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome.


Lucy Isherwood
Imaging Technician

Lucy joined the CCI in 2021 and offers support to facility users on a part time basis. She is an Imaging Technician working across both the Nuffield and the BioSciences sites of the CCI as well as the Electron Microscopy facility.


Marie Held
Image Analysis & Technical Support

Marie has studied applied physics and has since worked on a multitude of biological systems using a variety of light microscopy imaging techniques. She has joined the CCI team as a technical specialist in Image Analysis and is also able to provide support in experimental design and execution.


Violaine Sée
Facility Director

Violaine has a background in cell signalling and neuro-oncology. Her current research is into hypoxia signalling, specifically regarding the importance and timing of hypoxia inducible factors to control cell fate and drug resistance. She has been co-Director of the CCI since 2011.


Daimark Bennett
Facility Director

Daimark's research interests deal with cell signalling and development in Drosophila, with an emphasis on how gene regulatory networks control abberent events such as tumour formation and metastasis.


Raphaël Lévy
Instrumentation Development

Raphaël is trained as physicist, and has extensive experience with the structure and application of nanoparticles to imaging as well as several advanced imaging techniques.


Jen Adcott
Senior Technician

Jen joined the CCI in 2016 and offers support to facility users. She is an experienced technician who is highly versed in health and safety management, sample preparation and experimental design. She has extensive experience with Drosophila as a model organism.


Tom Waring (maternity cover for Jen Adcott)
Technical Support

Tom has joined the team to offer technical support for facility users. He completed his master�s degree in Biological Sciences at Durham University, which used confocal and super resolution microscopy to study nuclear import. Tom then joined the University of Liverpool in 2016 as a PhD student working on a project that utilises various microscopy techniques, including Atomic Force Microscopy, to study Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome.


University of Liverpool

© Liverpool Centre for Cell Imaging