Centre for Cell ImagingCCI

2018 Imaging Workshop: Emerging Technologies at the CCI

We're happy to announce the program for the 2018 CCI Imaging Workshop. Our aim is to provide existing and potential users of the facility with a better idea of the services we offer, the work that is conducted here and some of the cutting edge science happening in the Imaging field. The program will be two days, the first in symposium style and the second will have a choice of 'Hands-on' in the facility or a guided Image Analysis workshop.

You can download the poster for the event here.

We (and others) will be tweeting leading up to the event and in real time with the hashtag #CCIwkshp. We do however ask that attendees respect work tagged with the "No Sharing Please" symbol.

Date & Location

The imaging workshop was held on the 10th and 11th September 2018. The main seminars were in the School of Life Sciences Lecture Theatres. The Image Analysis and Microscopy hands-on sessions were held in the Life Sciences PC teaching room and CCI respectively.


Day 1: Symposium

Day 2: Image Analysis

Day 2

Among it's staff the CCI has a technical specialst in Image Analysis. Day two will consist of a hands-on training session on Image Analysis theory, methods and some applications. The program broadly covered:

Places are limited and will be charged at £50 per person (lunch is provided).

You can access the materials and slides from the workshop here

Day 2: Hands-on in the facility

In parallel with the Image Analysis workshop, we offered tours of the facility and an opportunity for visitors to bring their own samples to try out on some of our cutting-edge equipment.


Registration is not yet open.

Registration for the 2018 Imaging Workshop is now closed. There are a limited number of spaces and registration will be on a first-come first serve basis. Registration is free but required so that we can calculate catering and space requirements.

Register Here

Registration is now closed for the 2018 CCI Imaging Workshop. Thank you to everyone who has registered, we look forward to seeing you on the 10th September.

Short Talks

We like to showcase the work of users at the CCI via short talk during presentations.

The following short talks were selected:

Congratulations to Kit Sampat (Sée Group) who won the best short-talk prize as judged by the invited speakers.

Invited Speakers

Siân Culley:

Siân is a Research Associate in the group of Ricardo Henriques at UCL where her main focus is the development of novel approaches for live-cell super resolution microscopy. She has recently published SRRF: a technique which enables super-resolution imaging with conventional fluorophores such as GFP.

Theodorus Gadella:

Dorus is a professor at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences in Amsterdam. Alongside being director of the Van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy his research focuses on the development of novel probes for imaging.

Dominik Kutra:

Dominik is a Scientific Developer in the Image Analysis and Learning group in the Kreshuk Group at the EMBL. The group seek to make machine learning algorithms available to users via the Ilastik project.

Peter March:

Peter is a Senior Experimental officer at the Manchester BioImaging Facility.

Chris Power:

Chris is a 3D Imaging Specialist at Carl Zeiss UK. As project manager he has overseen the development of the Zeiss Lightsheet Z1 from optical bench to market and continues to support users of this and other technologies.

Geraint Wilde:

Geraint is Andor's Systems Product Manager for the Dragonfly system.


The CCI symposium is free to attend thanks to the generous sponsorship of commercial and industrial partners. If you are interested in sponsoring the workshop or would like more details, please get in touch.

The CCI wishes to thank the following companies for sponsoring the Workshop (click for links):

University of Liverpool

© Liverpool Centre for Cell Imaging