Centre for Cell ImagingCCI

2016 Imaging Workshop: Super-Resolution & Novel FLuorescent Proteins

Date & Location

The imaging day was held on the 21st and 22nd September 2016. The main seminars were in the North West Cancer Research Centre.


Day 1 (21st Sept)

Day 2 (22nd Sept)


Registration is now closed for the 2016 CCI Imaging Workshop. Thank you to everyone who has registered.

Short Talks

Thank you to everyone who submitted an abstract. The following short talks were selected:

Our invited speakers awarded the best short talk prize to Megan Hasoon (Plaistow Lab). Congratulations on winning the iPad!

Invited Speakers

Peter Dedecker:

Peter's interests are the development of smart fluorescent proteins and their application for high resolution microscopy. He is one of the world leaders in Optical Fluctuation Imaging and an Assistant Professor at the University of Leuven.

Chris Dunsby:

Chris is a joint lecturer between the Photonics group, the Department of Physics and the Division of Experimental Medicine at Imperial College, London. His research interests are centred on the application of photonics and ultrafast laser technology to biomedical imaging.

Bettina Weigelin:

Bettina's research concentrates on understanding the interaction of immune and cancer cells with their microenvironment to identify and target cancer resistance niches during immunotherapy. To visualize the cellular dynamics within live tissues she uses intravital multiphoton microscopy and higher harmonic generation microscopy.

Seamus Holden:

Seamus' research centres on studying the biophysics of bacteria, especially during bacterial cell division, using single molecule fluorescence imaging, super resolution microscopy and spectroscopy.

Deliza Ibanez-Garcia:

Delisa has extensive experience in microscopy, multi-photon excitation and lifetime measurements (the topic of her PhD being FLIM in skeletal muscle). In 2009 she joined Bitplane, working as a sales representative and image analysis specialist.

Chris Power:

Chris is a 3D Imaging Specialist at Carl Zeiss UK. As project manager he has overseen the development of the Zeiss Lightsheet Z1 from optical bench to market and continues to support users of this and other technologies.


The CCI wishes to thank the following companies for sponsoring the Workshop (click for links):

University of Liverpool

© Liverpool Centre for Cell Imaging